September 12, 2023

眾生 —— 吳士偉與他筆下的花|策展人 鄭乃銘|訪談

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吳士偉筆下的花,在我腦海中纏繞著就是「 眾生 」兩個字。







—— 策展人 鄭乃銘

The lingering term that Wu Shi-Wei’s flowers bring to mind is “sentient beings.”

The reason why I wanted to point out the idea of “sentient beings” at the very beginning is that Wu Shi-Wei’s flowers break free from the selection and categorization of flowers in traditional ink works, and differ significantly from the regular flowers that spring to mind when we think of the flowers in traditional works. Wu selects ordinary flowers in alleyways that are not grown through meticulous care, which is incredibly apt. Therefore, the idea of sentient beings is crucial when appreciating his works.

From another point of view, these “sentient beings” are portraits.

Who says portraits must be presented in human forms? 

—— Curator, Cheng Nai-Ming

Related Exhibition:
眾生 —— 吳士偉與他筆下的花
展期|2023. 09. 09 - 10. 07